Monday, June 05, 2006

I felt so special tonight , it was as if everything seems predestined . Work wasn't smooth today , i had a vexing day calculating the memory sticks and the accounts din tallied ? Dearie come and meet me and the rest for dinner , it was rather fun n enjoyable . On the way home , i told leonard that gerald and rawlinson touched my ears. Somehow he seem to be mindful and on the bus he din say anything . It wasn;t till i suddenly feels why do ppl think too much?

I seriously din know how to talk to him nor do i feel like facing him . I tried to reach home earlier bidding goodbye as if it was the last time i would ever see him again . Unhappiness do overwhelm , i wonders at certain point in life , we do misunderstand people and i was wrong in jumping into the conclusion that he dislike me talking "dirty jokes" but instead it was another issue . The bridge was kind of our connection , little did i expect he saw me standing there staring at the reservoir . Was it fate ? was it concidental ? i really don't know . I wonders about commitment and being there for someone whenever he needs u . It was as if when every morning the first person u wish to see beside your bed was HIM .

" love just happens naturally"

love reis love leonard


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