Saturday, December 08, 2007


Woke up really early this morning at 5am when I realised he din even message or called me .
I don't know whether i had enough of anything , I can't feel anything .
Initially there is anger , now i just feel nothing .

the trip from taiwan was really fruitful ,fun , lovely and i really regret not blogging about the places i had been to , the food shared with him and everything simply become a fairytale.

I realised He always ask me to appreciate what he did and not because of one minor mistake to condemm him but somehow I can't help feeling this way . It is not loving someone is that easy , it is just alot more than that . I am tired mentally , physically . At the end of the day , I feel nothing like an empty shell . Feel kind of weird .

today was infact nothing on my agenda except meeting my galfrens and passing them the things i got for them in TW . Infact , this sat , I was hopping to go for a farmMart trip as very long never keep in touch with nature le . somehow , he just tell me not to go so that he can use me as excuse to get out of the outing early. hmm . .... in the end , i ended up going to my auntie house and be a babysitter for awhile. Then , i faster go meet lp n wei in town at 4pm and she went into a crazy shopping mode. He did come to town for a fact to get his hp and soon bian fetch me . infact i kind of ponder to meet him ot not .

Finally , we did went to the starhub roadshow and luckily meet caihong , managed to skip the queue and get our phones . I got a cheap phone which is samsung u700 black and he got the htc touch white phone . i was glad i could finally change a new phone when my blackie k750i is getting torn , tattered but i still love it . Probably yes i am scared to change . but i used my old phone no .

It is just so exhausting to love someone ......
probably one day when i am tired , i really wanan to get a rest ...

need to do some exercise , getting flabbier than ever . gambatte !!

reis .


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