Friday, June 19, 2009

The Friday

Finally a friday and supposed to go out with a colleague but din in the end . Anyway, there are more peace for me then. He offered to acc me for dinner. I am rushing home after work because my beloved tiffy got no dinner. Henceforth, for him I rushed back to feed her. At that moment I feel happy. It seems like a simple task but that really show how much he trust me. I know it sound stupid. I had been lamenting the whole day with lp and finally I need to stop the flow and go with it. She had enlightened me. I was alone in the house and i started my tidying habit again. When he was back, he was surprised at what I had done. I am grateful today was a happier day. I saw him posting the post-it note on our board. Feel happy that he appreciate my little note.
Appreciation is still something I had been wanting to learn. As we progress, every choice we made is utimately something we had not regrets.

Read the book " Eat, Pray , Love" by E.Gilbert.

Gambatte reis!


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