Monday, February 24, 2014

Breathing is a form of happiness

I am breathing freely now... It may sound really uninteresting or a simple task one can do/

It takes a big revolution to be able to breathe freely. Can you imagine how much struggle I had put up?

To be labeled as a sinner for life, it is totally worth it. I feel so much like a human being. Many years ago, I was still a immature naive person. Many years later, I grew a little wiser, learn to take my stand and avoid conflict more often. Life itself had no answer, it is always filled with ambiguity and changes.

2014 is a year I am trying to adapt and living life to my fullest. A pity one of my favorite personality had gone on 17 Feb, Mr. PP I wish you eternal happiness. Hope we do meet one day....perhaps in heaven? I thanks you for the wonderful years we had spent together and I do cherish every meals we had. Thanks God, I had never regret a moment knowing you as a fatherly figure. PP alwas miss ya....