Wednesday, July 30, 2008

how time passed

I had a busy day at work today , really hectic that I feel that time is not enough , there is many thing to do and yet insufficient time . Today I accompanied LG to most of the schools and I sudden feel that how much I enjoyed school life. How vibrants life used to be . LG keep asking me to stay positive , everything will goes well . What a cute colleague .

Life just get busier that i feel i cannot breathe sometime , there are always demands to meet and etc ...I feel i am missing something and i feel ........ somehow i need to get it out of me.

"cherish the person beside you lest you regrets one day "

feel tired,reis

Saturday, July 19, 2008

the supporter

the four of us going bonkers at the bbq
acting decently for a nice snapshot

me and lp

mouse and the cat

me n wei


everyone get blown by the big wind effect , nice pic

Finally weekend arrived and I had a great time yesterday with dearie . all I can say is being content and happy with him and for the things he had done for me . We went out and went to various supermarkets , probably is because my work commitment. Dearies actually bought some of my product as a form of support to me . I was touched and keep telling him not to spend unneccessary money . We went home immediately to taste and drink it . Had a fun time collecting comments from his mummy and him . I really din expect him to be so supportive in what i am doing and to be there always for me . Sometimes , we just had to realise that the other one is doing something for u and dun take them for granted . All I can said is i cherish every moment with him .

We watched the recent movie "the dark knight" at a good package price cos of the promo .The movie was great except I truly felt that "joker" was somehow totally insane probably is due to his childhood inflicted on him . he wasn't a hateful character but just more of a pitiful soul . Batman was so cool and handsome . thumb-up for the movie that bring me so much thrills and excitements .

Friday, July 18, 2008

my new beginning

Weekend finally arrived much to my anticipation . I just started work recently at a good company with nice colleagues who work like a family. Everyone is so "into" teamwork mode that made me realised and learn alot from them . My big boss set up a 2 weeks intensive training programme to allow me to understand the various functions and products of the business. Some days I would be out in the field rushing alot of locations , some days i will stay in the office . But most of the time , I would be outside. I really"pei fu" some of my colleagues being so committed and responsible in work . On the other hand , they can be very cheerful people and always made me look thing on the positive aspect . My direct boss was very cool and nice . Day 1 she give me a big treat at Jack's place and I was really overwhelm by her kindness , being willing to teach and give me something i can work on as my " baby" . On the tough side , there are work expectation and deadline even on the field , i am making observation . when i reach home i had more work piling up and etc .. i fell sick with fever and sore throat .Not trying to complain but it kind of tired me out no matter no energy bunny i am . I am really trying hard to prove my worth within the organization . I learn alot from everyone , there are mentors in every trade and words of advise are really precious to my ears.

Really need to jia you !
