Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Alot of thoughts

I was hopping that exams and everything is over for the semester . I had been through this countless times when this thoughts keep surfacing .
I realised that being with someone long in a friendship , relationship will make us realised and tolerant their flaws. I had always hold this underlying belief . prehape , i just ransacked my room when he said " shouldn;t you throw or sell off those things that come from the other person ? ....infact i realised that these things no longer hold values in my eyes but they were just useful to my daily routine e.g. spectacles?

It had been long since I wanted to watch a movie , I want to watch a comedy that make me forget my troubles , my sadness and my belonging . Prehape time had comes when I kind of forget the roles i played inf ront of everyone . I was looking forward to the five days after before my sony work started . When u hold on to certain thing too long ( sony work) you will begin to develop reliant , feelings . I guess I am suffering the consequences of everything. somehow , the incessant headaches , muscle pains and sneezing made me dwell on more things . I just need a release . who understands ?

had loneliness come at a time when tears could wipe my face ? I realised , i already did not have the courage to dial a number and arrange a outing with friends . have i lose my sense of touch?



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