Monday, October 02, 2006

a part of me

big breakfast surprise from Him ... thanks :>:>:>
at karen car taking photos..

TodayI just handed in my WIL pair work finally. Then proceed to get a short hair cutand finally back to auntie's house . Recently i had been feeling down , probably due to stress, i can;t sleep .
finally caught a afternoon nap before vu called me asking about wil project and kenny as well. I just had white coffee today and it taste nice , it is more milky than the normal coffee i supposed . After work , dear" come and meet me for dinner at my aunt house and afterthen we went walking around westmall . I feel time spending lesser with him , but that was the only quality time we managed . is future bleak ?

Recently just argued with mum , i was feeling real down . why does she think that of me ?

feel like escaping , running , hiding in my own entity .

time to save some money for rainy days too . been overspending like water ? and scrimp for my dearie 's studies .

okie , a part of me may be saying this , but what should i do ? i seem to have neverending tots and time ? but i know time is running out for me .

to-do , wanna to -d0

- exercises ? swimming , badminton , gym , jogging ?
- shopping ? one bag + skirt + ????????flip-flop
- projects project ,WIL 3 ... so messy
- accounting is my friend i wannt to conquer ...gambatte
- daddy's birthday gift on 17th oct
- movie Rob-B? john tucker must die ?

i miss Him . leonard Ang ....
ah reis

26th sept 2006 ,

Happy 6th month anniversary. Today I had a full class , morning accounting and afternoon otd . Although it was tiring but at the end of the day, I will be seeing Him. That really makes my day! I have been feeling optimistic recently , probably that was because everything is under control. Currently , there are some projects assignments due on coming Monday and also I need to start revising for the management accounting exam coming very soon . Today , He bring me to eat Sakae at WheelLock Place cos I keep whining for conveyor belt sushi . We were lucky as we don’t really need to wait for long before we got a nice seats with good ambience as well. Okie , thank dear , you are the best . I had to admit myself for being so heartless, I din get any presents for him. The reason , I am so busy that I really cannot find the time other than yesterday one hour at Tangs . I tried searching for that perfect present but in the end turn to naught. Needless to say , I am touched when he arrived earlier than me . Normally this workaholic boyfriend of mine will be busy at the office and always keep me waiting at lobby staring spaces. Anyway , I received something he took courage to buy so I was very touched haha . Not to mention , our adventure for the night was erm …**** ( secret) but it was really romantic of him and thank for everything dear.

always with you .


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