Monday, February 22, 2010

My equation?

Have been rather busy recently, feel really tired and wanan to take a break.
Was thinking of life constant worry on the basis need - money, food , shelther=???

I has been thinking recently on what consitute my life? what's the one thing that keep holding everyone back? Been pondering today while on the bus ride to ikea. I feel that spending the life with someone you love is important, having your family & frens there for you is crucial. They are your pillar of support and of course, the ones who will never abandon you regardless of what you become. Had god been touched by my words, my actions to let my r/ship revive?

Finally went to my first chingay parade of the century! with my colleagues. keke my big boss treat all of us to this performance. The show was beautiful and I really enjoyed spending them with ppl who are working with me:> Love the kungfu panda mascot and the beautiful firework:>Hope that leo can go with me one day:>


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