Tuesday, February 27, 2007

a simple wish

my birthday wish : hope my family stay healthy , happy ... and my thoughts

i hope to graduate by 2008
i hope .... to be happy ...


Friday, February 23, 2007

brim ...

The assignments is piling up to my bottleneck ---2 projects due next week . I intend to burn the whole weekend on the project .

I am not saying I am trying to skive whilst I leave them last minutes , it is just I do alot of research and in the end some become useful , some become redundant.

Ok , many negative thoughts surfacing - family problems worsened i would said , i couldn;t get good sleep till the wee hours of the morning . how can i sleep at 3plus everyday ? it is like so terrible . I was exhausted in the day time , cos i know i am keep thinking .

I somehow lose faith in my parents ...

if life wasn't so complicated , that would be great

i guess no one can give me any solution

i am trying not to care ... how can u not? it is my family ...

so tired , bro since to take it more easy than me or

he prefer to keep quiet

I almost burst out at my mum last night - stop bothering me

I kind of lose my respect for her

Everything become so difficult , i hope there is a hero to save me from this ...

anyway , i finally watched " just follow law " , yup funny storyline but i would said the jokes is funny and my fav fann wong is fantastic ...

filial piety ? already become a doubt to me now

and thank dearie for acc me , bringing me to eat Ajisan ... so happy to taste ramen again


Friday, February 16, 2007

i don't know ,

I am tired of being myself .
Don't be a burden to someone
don't ever feel immoral is bad
don't feel sorry for yourself
Don't ever sunk to depression
Don't give a damm of what the world
the world doesnt re-volve around you

fashion desires

should i get this dress ... so cute ? really wanna to buy ???

here are my wants , despite i had been buying alot of stuffs .

- lookin for particular dark brown flare skirt ... with ribbon attached or not ,
- want a light denim flare skirt
- a nice sharp pointed black heels - 2inche ?
- nice lovely dress from GG5 if i had the money
- need a bronze bag , not too big but just right for A-4 , with buckles
- a pair of converse shoes - navy blue / brown double tongue /purple ?
- a collar short-selvee button shirt
- a chic sandal
- a nice kawaii purse --- purple ?

so many desires and i haven got them ... nvm , take my time ...
i am always wearing outdated skirts ... those that ppl would never wore again.

bo bian , mouse is broke .

mouse .
hmm , glad to meet catherine today , she looks happy ... gambatte cat :>

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

busy schedules ...

i had my account test 1 yesterday. I think i fared badly , the reason ... no i prefer not to give excuse . I would just said I am careless . I just failed to notice the small little wording DLH.
anyway , i hope the lecturer can give me a passing grade for the format , and etc ... the problem din seem difficult , but somehow they phrased their questions in an english so foreign to me

I had thought over about the family situation , went to aunt's house and she actually talked to me into . Dont think too much .... okie ,i just hope everyone in the family stay united. I had since starting to sleep better , cope better or sortta of i can't do anything to salvage it .

Valentine day ? I did get my surprises this very afternoon , a lovely simple msg from him via email... hehe but was quite glad. I was at his workplace doing my research and he keep asking me to go my email a/c to help me check out something . Then i saw the cute msg , so sweet ! I saw alot of ppl getting flowers and blah , the most hilarious i would said is this pair of lovebird wearing black tee and jean ... couple tee and on top right hand corner : "LOVE ". i was thinking of capturing this golden moment but on the train abit too obvious .

Well , finally claries got her cute nice little 450ml bottle -- purple one and leo got his big white 1000ml yesterday .
it is a funny chemistry we shared , dearie thought of getting me a water bottle cos mine keep leaking water , he bluff me he is going to soccar . Then i called him excitedly telling him , i got us a pair of bottle ,cos he always forgot to drink water . I feel a kind of connection between us . I know my dearie is feeling lousy , i just wanan to cheer him up . GAMBATTER MR. MUR MUR !!

hee . we took some photos but it was the best valentine day i had . It wasn't about the occasion but today i just wanna to be with him. One year ago , he dated me out for valentine day dinner but somehow i just turn him down . one year later , we were together . How fascinating and simple life can be . It is just finding the one who is trueful to you . I love Him .

there is so many demands and wants i really wish for ?

here i am , sitting in sp library blogging , waitin for my love to finish up his work .

this week activities for feb

thur 15 - meet yuling , rainbow , sam for Dc project --- phototakin day and discussions
fri 16 --- meeting catherine , lp , peiwei for gathering , help out at mum's stall in evening
sat 17 --- reunion dinner with moi family
sun 18 -- day 1 of CNY-- visit grandma's house ...
monday 19- day 2 -- visit leo ;s and auntie house ( should i include going to joyce , suqi's house?)
tueday 20--day 3 -- piang LMS group project ( cat going taiwan)
wed - LMS lesson
thursday 22 - LMS group compiling

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Overwhelm with studies , anger

i feel angry
cos i finally had enough of those silly nonsenses
what is the fasination ?

i had a rather pissed off day .
finally part with my money to get my LMS text ... expensive
i understand 40 bucks is nothing to ppl but a great deal to me .
my expenses for a week

i am so tiring , y do ppl keep shifting problems to me
why do he keep irritating me
my dear , i am rather .........tired of those pissed off
pms must be coming ...

greenhorn monster

Sunday, February 04, 2007

is life any better than now ?

sat at cold storage --- my retail project ... jia you

did u see us amongst the sea of red ... ole ole ole

match malaysia vs singapore ... congrat Lion roar get the Asian Cup !!!

sentosa monorail ride , doesnt look fasinating ....

hi friends ,

I had been experiencing lotsa of surprises from people closest to me lately . this includes family , relationships and my friends . These "surprises" made me upset . a lot of time , it is kind of getting unexpected news , hear unpleasantness . I can no longer feel my optimism toward these news . Yesterday went play badminton and have a great time with friends . Friday night meet my sec friends joyce and suqi ... everything seem like in a daze . I dunno how to say ...but i feel my friends are still the people showing concerns for me when i am trapped. Relationships with Him had become better , or should i said being together is a bliss again . there is lesser laughters i get now but all i can say is losing control of your family , being the one who know everythings do hurt . I rather i be the one not losing faith in the things i do , in the people i once believe in .

Unhappiness come at a time when i am confused , in doubts and i need to conceal it .

I am feeling unhappy . i am happy when i am with Him now , that is the only time i am truly happy . When i reach home , its' kind of isolated me from the world . Life isn't and will not be a bed of roses anyway ....

however , i still believe in loving someone and contented when the person is happy .

it is still very terrible , i din cried , i just suddenly forgot how to cry .

tears seem to be trapped . I hope to occupies myself

13th feb - MAB test 1
14 feb - LMS essay deadline
26 feb - HRM essay
Dc projects and also HRm group projects and practising my account

learning to crawl myself is better than relying on ppl whom i love .
