Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Matter of affair?

Finally exams are coming really soon that I almost can't breathe . Prehape i will be disappearing from my social circle for a period of time . I actually been staying at home . It seem like the most calm and peaceful entity i get . How i longed for a outing to the beach ?

Stress can be a killer and a boaster . How i wish i could go auntie house and eat home-cooked food for once . I miss alot of people. My buddy finally tasted her sweetness after a healing period of approx two years with her regained confidence , i wish her happiness this J can bring her . happy 22nd birthday to peiwei , hope u stay healthly , pretty , and get attached faster haha . Am i happier ? well , maybe a "yes" .

When someone unintentionally say a word "D" , it kind of awaked me from my dreamland . The past which i selectively chose to forget re-surface . It hasn't been easy for me to get over . There is remorse and regret about it and I choose to forget. Is confidence lacking in myself , inferiority ? It is not i had any emotional attachment but still it is so scarred validly there . I couldn't imagine two years had already passed . If possible , i wish it could be erased forever . I feel i had been avoiding , keeping quiet , trying to devour my time fully to doing things. Maybe it is just a flaw ...




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