Saturday, May 30, 2009

one big round .......why...

I am really tired and need a rest. sometimes, when you just need that little cheers, you just don't have it. There are many choices worth considering.....why am I stuck ? Wasn't happy at all because the person doesnt understand me. I just don't like tp spoil people mood or life.

I am trying really hard but I only see the little effort ppl put in. Sometime the person who was with u just doesnt see the point .....only a solo heart.

Gambatte for work.

thanks JM for coming to gimme the little cheer I need.

Reis... :>

Thursday, May 28, 2009





adapted from Amys novel....

I need a massage

Well, feel really overload with work. This morning I waked up at 6am thinking about work again. So much to do and so little time to spare. Going to become a robot soon.........tiring. Really hope can get a good massage. Hmm......isn't life about enjoying yourself? Okie, had a fun times doing event set up with my colleagues. Wow, today then i realise i am a very serious person sometime. LG keep joking with me and I can't seem to laugh but concentrating on my set-up. I got injuried by the staple and fresh blood keep oozing which I had been trying relli hard to stop.

Hmm, this year our booth look realli nice. Love it with red n yellow combi!


reis love myself

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Give a serious thought

was really happy for a friend, congrat that she is going to get married. Feeling touched because the beauty in life is really a blessing. count my blessing today I am still very much alive.

Really excited about the wedding, she asked me if I am keen to ber her bridemaid. I had never been one. Gradually begin to think about myself, my life. Where am I at 24 years old? am i still myself or putting a facade? Meetup with rainbow tonight and we had some subway. Got her a can of her fav tuna and she is realli happy. Glad I can still cheer ppl up abit. At 24, what do I need? Am i still the girl who yearn for lifelong happiness or have i changed and feel I need abit more freedom? There are many doubts in my mind and I can't get it off my mind.

At 24, I found a nice job, know great colleagues and friends, lose my identity. At 24, I gained a valuable insight at my life,a lesson learned. the feeling i give ppl around me are peaceful? being with me, maybe i am a peacemaker. I realised what I need.

A marriage between 2 ppl is a bond and route t0 lifelong happiness when they are truely in love.
Someone tell me what I want --- I am a person who wanted a family of my own. coming from a family like this make me want to work even harder to have my own family. Of course, no fairy tale existed but simply the thought was still a dream to me. To achieve this, I really dunno. My perspective changed after this lesson. I wanted to start a family but i wanted a man who loved me as much as he to this family we created. I shouldn't rush . afterall, a marriage is my lifelong happiness. I should have think over it carefully. I haven met anyone that can help me build my dream. I just knewI haven't till today.

Love may be a temporary measure that make u overlook the little things in life......


Saturday, May 16, 2009

lost and found game

Finally managed to watch "the wedding game" by Fann wong. Rent DVD and watch with Him. It's quite comical and enjoyable. Wonder how this short-lived happiness will last?

The outcome will be out in another few more days. Am I deceiving myself?

There are many options in life but somehow we just can't chose it. I am a simple women. A simple person who yearn for someone to love her just to kiss her for the rest of her life.I don't know if I had found Him.Maybe not at the moment, maybe yes. I know so many friends had already told me the answer. knowing the wall is hard and I stil go ahead and bang. Isnt life not about having regrets?Wish to leave this place...........


Thursday, May 14, 2009

A fruitful day

I am thankful today. For the hectic work, for an understanding boss and everything on my life.

Had a really busy morning after late night zzz. Almost thought I would miss my bus and eventually I managed to reach work at 9.20am? What's a close shave.

Omg, there my day just seem to be so packed with activities. Went for a heavy lunch at Sun & Moon dining. Tasted a very nice dish called foie gras. Well it really tasted heavenly! but the service wasn't too good there. And the set meal is very"normal" for such expensive fare. Next, some light walking around to get my Fancl cleansing oil at a good price. Anyway, gotta to start planning what to do in life. Been busy with my financial planning. Life is always unpredictable.
There are many friends around me who was very concerned about me. Sometimes, I just wished that I could heed their advices and get past all the hurdle. It did seem logical to listen but doing is another issue. Really need to sort out and hope time will reveal what is unseen. Yup , indeed how true is this sentence from BC.

Tiring, should had gone for more detailed medical checkup to find out what's wrong with me.



Tuesday, May 12, 2009

what is going on?

a gift for me? cant bear to hurt another again.......

I am in a dilemma,in a crossroad to chose to take which path.
Really confused at relationship and everything.
If life were to go through once again, I would choose the path of being loved. Aren't we all have choices but somehow, we din or can't make it to the end.

Instead of being a hopeless fool, I need to think twice. Sometimes, I realised we do not understand the person closest to us. It is a pity things turned out like this.

Learning to forgive really takes time.....-_-

emo creature

So tiring~


Monday, May 04, 2009


A little encourage from a fren recently .......

to friend C,

when life is at its lowest peak, it is when we discovered the beautiful things in life we fail to
appreciate. I need to help her.


Sunday, May 03, 2009

Really really exhausted

These few days had been the worst for me . I am really stretched to my body limit. So many
things had happened and not to mention out of desperation, i called up the idiot again. And what I get is a "can't be bother" reply. What a fool am I ? Do i expected a person who break up with me cared for me ? Enough! I need to really get this "negatively" out of my system.

Many things happened for a reason.

I really feel so guilty for her, i feel so helpless.

God, can you protect her and make her a happy person as like before?

These few days being with her was mentally and physically exhausted. how come a good natured person become like this.

recently, been to my hairdresses and she gimme a free cut on my fringe. thank francis. love u

