Monday, July 26, 2010

happiness lies in its own way

I was really thrilled at some little gift I received from him recently. Would have to wait till october before I can lay my hand on it. Life is really unexpected and special in its wn way.
The surgery I feared seem to be far away from my thought. I just hope that moment i wake up I will be myself again, a complete person. Being in a r/ship now is a bliss, I have a partner who is really accomodating and love me. I am thankful there is a major change in our life. Really looking forward to spending the rest of my life with him. Part of me feel that he complete me.

Thanks God. Work is still the same, I decided to be a smart lass instead of someone who get builled. Somehow there is a tinge of disapppointment. Nevertheless, I will still continue this work till end of this year. For next year, I am planning to have some shift here and there. Family wise have been at peace despite some minor problem. However finally it have been settled , both he and I slept late on thursday helping my family do thing but somehow things din turned out as what we hoped. anyway good luck!

Really feel like taking a break. I haven't been to anywhere this year but this year company trip is really awesome, kimchi here I go!!! There have been some arrangement at work this year, able to go univeral studio for free ... hehe !!! goody :>

Gotta to stay focus on driving and get my license.



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