Saturday, July 29, 2006

I need a break badly

currently my bb project on Virgin group --- core values ...
see , i am gonna to rest in the coffin sooner or later

There had been a series of events that happens , i meet an accident but was unscratched . It kind of change my perspectives toward human vulerability, death may comes at anytime . One day we may just lies on that coffin and declare our non-existence in this world . Some friends of mine had been commenting how depressing my blog is ? hello peeps i realised that , sometimes i just use laughters as mask . I am just an empty shell hoping to spend more times with my loved one that includes my family ,frens , Him and everyone. Sorry if i din reply your sms or emails. i think something i kind of forget and when i realised ,it is just too late.Sorry KENNY I FORGOT YOUR B DAY , I WILL GIVE U A TREAT !!!!! A buddy of mine is leaving for good , for two years or more , i wonder will she come back ? i hope i won't be weeping in front of her . I had been busy planning her birthday celebrations and besides my dearie birthday is approaching . I kind of self-blamed myself for forgetting to plan . I did some thinking today . I will be having my accounting tests next week n i haven find time to revise . when did i become so lazy .?i was amazed at the pace school life is approaching because i couldn;t believed time passed so fast and i had a lot of project deadlines coming ...? can i scream "HELP" .

30th july - dinner at ah cat;s house ( countdowning .. to 12th aug)
31st july - WIL grp project due - email
lst aug - accounting test
3th aug - BB presentations
4th aug - WIL inidvidual project (35%) due ( joyce and dearie's b day)
5th aug - did i promised my fren i am doing a sony roadshow ?
12th aug - goodbye catherine Lim ying xin

i must work hard ... i won;t give up !!! i miss all people .

gambattex . JJ's music and caffine peak me up !

reis n BoyZ ....

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

JJ my inspiration , my stress reducer ...

the cheese pasta , we DIY mostly cooking done by dear .... is he mr. mightly .. haha

this is the sandwiches we DIY oursleves --- too many ingredient -ham, tomato , cucumber, egg, butter , mozorella cheese melt into the sandwich ... damm fulfiling
this is my classmate kenny , he is trying to flirt with the two gals in lecture ... omg his boots ,...taken by shirin .
me n leonard , standing in a awkward position , the timer of my phone ... haha

It was a raining yesterday , i feel so down , cos the massive workload tied me down .
there is so much to be done and it seems everyone is expecting me to initiate , email them for meeting . why is there expectation , so far i manage to cooordinate my group meetings except a few ..... it is so tiring to be an organizer , esp for something . i am going bonker . finally break down in front of Him , i just let out my wailing . i know i am not someone to be defeated so easily . sometimes , it is just so tiring , trying to be put on a strong outlook infront of everyone . went to bugis to relax , finally get to eat my yu pian with rice at the coffeeshop nearby . it was my favorite and the first time leon eat this dish , he seem fascinated . luckily my recommendation not so bad . He just wanan me to relax ... and then continue my workload . thank u . thanks everyone ( mei mei j , zhirong , kenny , leonard , liping , peiwei , cat ) for your encouragement and everything .

now i just wanan to focus on my studies , my relationship , my frens and family

that is what life is really about . :>

and i am currently listening to my JJ , i simply adore u



reis n leo always .

Monday, July 17, 2006

busy semster

hi peeps ,

this semester had been so busy that i am blogging in the midst of my break. okie, schedule are crazily keeping me busy

1. marketing case studies - presentation due on 4th august
2. marketing - homework - 2 exercises to be handed weekly
3. mgt accounting - tutorial exercises - 7 to 10 qns to be prepare , prepare tutroial 4 and revised tutorial 3
4. organization theory - pair work with karen - haven went to first lecture in 20mins time later
5. work -integrated learning - the bombing of those 35% work - okie must die die finished by 3rd aug deadline
6. work-integrated learning - theory in action interview with karen asd as a team - prepaing interviews qns .by 31 july
7. friday meet-up cat , liping , peiwei for dinner ?
8. sunday - badminton with fatti - optional already book court 5 for two hours .

seriously i had been trying to cope with work and coping fine . no more outing anymore ,m just plainly meet friends for dinner is okie . i am a study nerd . nerd rules ... haha /

Monday, July 10, 2006

freaking out and pissed off

i am very pissed off at the slightest things , no one understands . it is up to the point i am pissed off at my idiot bro for not informing me that printer had run out of ink . I was adamant to admit he would happily waited for me to buy the ink with my own money not even at the expense he got a allowance and i don't . so what is the big deal ? in the past , i am not so bothered about ownership of things and my sibling becomes so calculative with me . Luckily, leonard helps me print , it was as if yup lucky he was there . i am freaking out at my financial constraints now , the bills is piling out and i had no idea how to pay ? At the rate i am spending my money like water , i know it is time to make budget planning from tml . The studies begin off with crashing my accounting class with my marketing class tml . i hate school , i don;t know . i realised i shouldn't be saying this .

reis ...

Friday, July 07, 2006

i feel so blues

Feel so blues , because everything around me seem bleak , i am just tired of everything . my depression is staring to set in . School started out late on a wed morning , i went for leadership n mgt class fully awareness i am not taking it this semester . Maybe i should , i should have bargained with the coordinator i wanan to do 5 modules in a sem . It had been bothering me for sometimes whether do i have the ability to cope ? i dunno , i think i will try my best . maybe by this week , i will have a talk with my coordinator again . I had been disapointed at a friend of mine ,i never thought he will be so ungentlemen and he hurt us . ( me , lp , yc) I realised I hate knowing the truth , why would he like to toy our feeling , y do he yield satisfaction in destroying friendship ? ps , u had really let us down . pls grow up!

I am detesting everything , i wanan someone to talk to me ?

i feel so packed everyday as if i got one million things to do , maybe i should start planning to do my studies and revision and everything .

i feel so breatheless , brian life leading u to boredom that u had to resort to lookin me up for something , i dun owe u .

Sunday, July 02, 2006

school life is coming

let's say i am excited ...about school .

i miss the clatter of desk , the coldness of the lecture hall and everything

friends ? classmates ? i know i had been very lazy and laidback recently that i dun feel like doing anything at all . not to worry , i am sending my yen off today :> at airport

and joyce her camera .


reis n leonard