Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Alot of thoughts

I was hopping that exams and everything is over for the semester . I had been through this countless times when this thoughts keep surfacing .
I realised that being with someone long in a friendship , relationship will make us realised and tolerant their flaws. I had always hold this underlying belief . prehape , i just ransacked my room when he said " shouldn;t you throw or sell off those things that come from the other person ? ....infact i realised that these things no longer hold values in my eyes but they were just useful to my daily routine e.g. spectacles?

It had been long since I wanted to watch a movie , I want to watch a comedy that make me forget my troubles , my sadness and my belonging . Prehape time had comes when I kind of forget the roles i played inf ront of everyone . I was looking forward to the five days after before my sony work started . When u hold on to certain thing too long ( sony work) you will begin to develop reliant , feelings . I guess I am suffering the consequences of everything. somehow , the incessant headaches , muscle pains and sneezing made me dwell on more things . I just need a release . who understands ?

had loneliness come at a time when tears could wipe my face ? I realised , i already did not have the courage to dial a number and arrange a outing with friends . have i lose my sense of touch?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Lp , my favorite and best friend in this world to be born on the same month and I am just 6 days younger than her .

been realising how difficult it is to find someone you can clinque
and how i owe my life to her
she is this gentle , warm and caring gal
to me she n peiwei is my angel
and cat n cuzzie is my " da jie "( same b day as me one)condy!!!
thank you all for your supports toward mouse

I had been fizzy today , imagine this person calling you up 3 times in a row
what does he want ?
actually somehow i felt he is trying to messed up thing
y does my wil end up like so unhappy ?
and the peace group like me are also involved in the tiff
i detest conflicts

yup tml meeting lp lplp
i miss you !!!
and i miss leonard too
and i miss pw , cat n da jie

going crazy , resolving conflict , wanna to get dad a pressie .
oh . just buy the white coffee pack to try out ...
to go gym this sun or badminton !!!?still figuring out

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


is life so simple as to record what happen everyday
i am so tired , tired of my back

"love the person but dun ever hurt him "
when will love suffice
and let freedom reign in love
wholeheartly belongs
till the end

thinking about wat?

one day at home was enough to suffocated me with the comfort?

i had no mood to study , did i miss him?Leo...vie?
what is a relationships that set boundaries , what is one that had none ?

i detest myself so much , hallucinating.

reis ...

i wanan to fly ....so much

life was a dream . i wish i could fly freely to where i could .
it had been tiring ,head spinning studying
as if i could do nothing
as if life is just this
i wish to go out n see the world
home .... depressing , enclosed cage and dampening

i feel so freeze. i hate staying at home, so hot , so so trapped.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

rest day

minature me .... reis
a very nice and sweet gesture from my agent cindy woon ... whoop !!! jia you !

Can i say tuesday is my most tedious day with class from 9am to 5.30pm ?

I am so mightly tired , probably because I din really slept well last night .
something to share with all

- mouse passed her MAB acc test2 finally
- resolved group conflict for WIL 2 btw K**** and S*****
- survived her otd projects and WIL pair project handed in

hmm , today I lose my conecentration on accounting class and i keep dozing off . Liyan was rather nice , she and ady n another friend explained to me and gauge my understanding . xie xie ni .

so happy and time passed really fast , my project mate joan and shirin was funny , everyone keep looking at me . Yes ar , my short short hair , even mum got a shock! haha , what to do ?
Nevertheless I am trying to adapted to lookin at the mirror and not frighten myself .

what am i rotting at home ?

i need a small break from this world , so i am back to looking at fashion mag online . ...

Monday, October 02, 2006

a part of me

big breakfast surprise from Him ... thanks :>:>:>
at karen car taking photos..

TodayI just handed in my WIL pair work finally. Then proceed to get a short hair cutand finally back to auntie's house . Recently i had been feeling down , probably due to stress, i can;t sleep .
finally caught a afternoon nap before vu called me asking about wil project and kenny as well. I just had white coffee today and it taste nice , it is more milky than the normal coffee i supposed . After work , dear" come and meet me for dinner at my aunt house and afterthen we went walking around westmall . I feel time spending lesser with him , but that was the only quality time we managed . is future bleak ?

Recently just argued with mum , i was feeling real down . why does she think that of me ?

feel like escaping , running , hiding in my own entity .

time to save some money for rainy days too . been overspending like water ? and scrimp for my dearie 's studies .

okie , a part of me may be saying this , but what should i do ? i seem to have neverending tots and time ? but i know time is running out for me .

to-do , wanna to -d0

- exercises ? swimming , badminton , gym , jogging ?
- shopping ? one bag + skirt + ????????flip-flop
- projects project ,WIL 3 ... so messy
- accounting is my friend i wannt to conquer ...gambatte
- daddy's birthday gift on 17th oct
- movie Rob-B? john tucker must die ?

i miss Him . leonard Ang ....
ah reis

26th sept 2006 ,

Happy 6th month anniversary. Today I had a full class , morning accounting and afternoon otd . Although it was tiring but at the end of the day, I will be seeing Him. That really makes my day! I have been feeling optimistic recently , probably that was because everything is under control. Currently , there are some projects assignments due on coming Monday and also I need to start revising for the management accounting exam coming very soon . Today , He bring me to eat Sakae at WheelLock Place cos I keep whining for conveyor belt sushi . We were lucky as we don’t really need to wait for long before we got a nice seats with good ambience as well. Okie , thank dear , you are the best . I had to admit myself for being so heartless, I din get any presents for him. The reason , I am so busy that I really cannot find the time other than yesterday one hour at Tangs . I tried searching for that perfect present but in the end turn to naught. Needless to say , I am touched when he arrived earlier than me . Normally this workaholic boyfriend of mine will be busy at the office and always keep me waiting at lobby staring spaces. Anyway , I received something he took courage to buy so I was very touched haha . Not to mention , our adventure for the night was erm …**** ( secret) but it was really romantic of him and thank for everything dear.

always with you .