Monday, December 24, 2007

memorable xmas

my 2007 xmas dinner prepared by dearie

Can't really describe my feeling last night but was very touched , happy .

Yesterday finally got dearie's pressie , been thinking alot last night like what should i get for him and finally i tot of it .

Yup supposedly met my friends for xmas lunch but turned out i caught the flu bug .

I was anticipating what dearie gonna give me till he msg me pls be t my doorstep at 7.30pm.

I tot how impossible when he will finished work at 6pm but i never expected his little white lie cs yesterday everyone only work half day .

Meet him at the doostep at 7.30pm and then was really surprised dinner was ready

He finally cook for me the pasta i had been yearnin for weeks and it was mighty delicious .

hmm , while he went to get our dinner , i secretly hide his pressie cos he had already hide mine...

After minutes of searching high and low , he finally found his and mine was rather easy .

We put out pressie together and dearie wanna me to open mine .

this is my 2nd and 3rd surprises .

ha ah, i opened the first one was really unexpected , he put 4 question marks on the album and asked me to put our photo together in future . When i fipped through the album, it contain all our lovely memory in taiwan . I was really touched , love it and his thought , no wonder he been saying he is preparing my pressie.

okie , there it goes , i got something unexpected , he got me a gucci perfume , love the smell , love it .

it was really a wonderful , romantic christmas though we are just spending it at home .

i love you leonard ,

reis .

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Manhatten fish market

Yesterday was another busy day at work and following thursday is a PH so everyone was looking forward to shop. Wait for an hour for dear at his office and finally he came . There was something wrong with his guy fren . he was facing a major r/ship crisis . Anyway , dear keep talking to me about his fren thing and finally we went to Manhatten fish market.

I would said that I like the lighting , ambience of the place . Dear placed order for us and we had some C01 mussels which is yummy and a combo completed with soup and drink . There was a funny accident because dear needed a new plate and the waitress heard wrongly and bring him the bill . lol.

I kind of love the prawn , calamari , and fish which is very tender. How nice of him to spoil me like this ? During dinner , we actually chatted alot , things about our own relationship . Dear initiate us not to take each other for granted again . At that moment I feel that was the best time we had . Dear thought I would learn to appreciate how willing he gonna to spend on me this meal but infact my expression was thank but not overwhelmed . Hee , love is really blind . falling in love again is really wonderful.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another day

Well , today I went to school for re-enrolment of the two modules and paid my membership fee .

Dearie was nice enough to keep sms-ing but I just wasn't used to the new phone . samsung U700 / I hate the way when I tried to talk on the phone and it switch to held mode cos somehow myface accidentally touched the sensitve button .

am i happier with a new phone ? probably yes or not? To admit , i love the camera function but the other sms , alarm din really amazed , do regret at this impulse purchase. Probably need someone to comfort me when I tell Dearie I regretted buying this hp but he started his scolding n nagging . How well he understand me ? At this moment , I just need someone to listen instead of nagging .

Yesterday , dearie was sweet enough to come all the way my office to lunch with me . infact , i was touched and glad though the lunch wasn't very fufilling . Just now , he actually said " you never appreciate that I specially come down to have lunch with u " . infact i did . has thing become more stale than ever . Today , one of my classmate happily tell me he is applyinf flat for sengkang and asked me when ? infact i replied to ben that " I don't know, i guess it is still too early to tell , i don;t know what will happen" .These words just naturally come out . I do believe there will be a future between him and me if ... we overcome the hurdle- the family level . I know my limitation and there is always a thin line to whether the person u love will try to protect u or ust left u one day . Nothing is predestined.

Finally an enjoyable and comfortable day with peiwei to watch movie . I am glad she like the cardigan i got for her . the Alvin and chipmunk movie was so cute and funny which i enjoyed throughout the 1, 1/2 hours .

gotten to gambatte for new semester ! and xmas is coming :>

I wonder if santa will gimme surprise


Sunday, December 09, 2007


night view of taipei ....
riding the mirama ferris wheel

3-in- 1 meal at dan dan house

standing beside Taipei 101

me and dear at jiou fen .... enjoying the windmill ...

along jiou fen , the city of sadness ... many steps

enjoying one of my favorite red bean soup with delicious fen yuen

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Woke up really early this morning at 5am when I realised he din even message or called me .
I don't know whether i had enough of anything , I can't feel anything .
Initially there is anger , now i just feel nothing .

the trip from taiwan was really fruitful ,fun , lovely and i really regret not blogging about the places i had been to , the food shared with him and everything simply become a fairytale.

I realised He always ask me to appreciate what he did and not because of one minor mistake to condemm him but somehow I can't help feeling this way . It is not loving someone is that easy , it is just alot more than that . I am tired mentally , physically . At the end of the day , I feel nothing like an empty shell . Feel kind of weird .

today was infact nothing on my agenda except meeting my galfrens and passing them the things i got for them in TW . Infact , this sat , I was hopping to go for a farmMart trip as very long never keep in touch with nature le . somehow , he just tell me not to go so that he can use me as excuse to get out of the outing early. hmm . .... in the end , i ended up going to my auntie house and be a babysitter for awhile. Then , i faster go meet lp n wei in town at 4pm and she went into a crazy shopping mode. He did come to town for a fact to get his hp and soon bian fetch me . infact i kind of ponder to meet him ot not .

Finally , we did went to the starhub roadshow and luckily meet caihong , managed to skip the queue and get our phones . I got a cheap phone which is samsung u700 black and he got the htc touch white phone . i was glad i could finally change a new phone when my blackie k750i is getting torn , tattered but i still love it . Probably yes i am scared to change . but i used my old phone no .

It is just so exhausting to love someone ......
probably one day when i am tired , i really wanan to get a rest ...

need to do some exercise , getting flabbier than ever . gambatte !!

reis .