Saturday, April 05, 2008

Many time we failed to see the truth

I hope exam will come sooner . Part of me wanted to get a job quickly , part of me prefer to remain status quo. It had been times since I last blogged . There had been many things running through my mind that make me so unwilling to mention . There was disappointment , anger , sadness . Indeed , did u believe that word " if you hate him mean u really love him". That was what she told me . Yes this word is true probably to some extent . Do i really hate him or do i hate myself more? Always be forward looking as mentioned and learn to let go ?

Sometime , even if we let go of those unhappiness , it will just unconsciously come back and haunt us . That is terrible , isn't it . It is not as if I did not let go but just when it happened , it just . I wish him all the best . I think i saw him at marina square recently but he seem not to recognise me or prehap he chose not to.


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