Sunday, February 03, 2008

stronger day by day

sweets someone got for me from us .... whoop , my lovely frens wanna me to have sweet tooth

I feel guility for throwing my ugliest temper to people around me , that including my family. Sometimes , it is really not up to us to choose where to be born at . I recalled my dad dote on me even now though he can't afford as much as he does last time , he still tried to give . As for mum , she always make sure we had enough to eat , enough to spend while she scrimp and save herself. I am starting to feel something for my family, a little touched by their sarcifices . I hope this year everyone will become better .

Thanks lp for the last min rescue to help my bf's with the cd, very grateful cos i guess we spend the whole sunday lookin for it , visiting "software" shops haha but we realised most of it had shuted down . sometimes , i feel my bf shouldnt start promising ppl thing and in the end he still persist doing it even though result might not turn out to be what he want. It hurt everyone 's feeling and because of helping those"friend" , he honored his promises too much that he overlooked the fact , some promises can be revoked cos u did tried your best . .... I am not sayin honoring promise is bad but if it within your limit , u should go ahead.

I tot of pampering myself this year 2008 , seriously but come to think of the CPF debt for poly sch fee and other livign expense , i am back to scrimp n save mode. But not to worry in another 6 months time , i hope i will get a job soon and life may get better for all of us . Dearie had been nice recently for dunno why ?but life had been much peaceful nowsaday , the spate of clubbing events had subsided . Was it of promise ? I seirously feel ppl who go clubbing are kind of improper for a sense they are wasting their life and time away in a tiny club but the occassionally going for socialising with colleagues is impt and relaxing. I rather use my time doing thing i enjoyed . It made them silly in the sense , is this the life u gonna spend drinking , indulging yourself in those silly music , some ppl just go there because they wanan to show ppl that they are cool which is kind of stupid.


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