Sunday, January 27, 2008

the simple act of love is happiness

Had a wonderful weekend with dearie and the simplest thought that he planned sat outing was fun . We went to kbox for klunch and finally put a stop to out ktv cravings with the many funny songs we sung . I din realise he recorded the entire singing and those funny chit-chats we had . Only when last night I was in his room , we just sit there listening and joking .

Finally , I had been to ikea tampines thanks to him and my many frens esp lp , wei and vincent who come to my rescue especially we din check the street directory and proceed there. ha , we asked his mum to come along cos i guess she may wanan to get something (very good at DIY home decoration and things) and had a good lunch . I finally tasted my fav meatball and the chicken wing this time is better . I would said the dessert daim choco cake + apple pie is good but kind of expensive . We walked for 3 hours before deciding to get what . His mum got a dark brown shelf while dearie was thinking to get a nice chair or a sofa bed. In the end , he got a leather chair for himself . By 8pm we were exhausted and moving the furniture up his house whereby he started assembling while i get a small rest in the comfort of aircon . Then , I proceed to shift his furniture and help him to place his chair. His mum and him were outside assembling the shelves . it was a fruitful day and we end it with maggi mee cos we were all too exhausted and hungry.

okie another two more upcoming projects

mc group project
sm individual killer project ---omg


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