Wednesday, November 18, 2009

moment of happiness

I had my moment of happiness last night from two man in my life. Was struggling with work and feeling grumpy for the first time, I never felt so tired from work. Trying to escape and run from the daily hassle. Again here I was at home and my big bro passed me a happiness amulet he got from the famous temple wishing me happiness in my r/ship. That was really very nice of my big bro. Anyway, I prayed for him to get his happiness too.

I decided that night to make do dinner with a salmon sandwich and was happily finishing up. Then I realised that he sms me a few times to make sure that I had PROPER meal. ........ telling me that he had ordered pizza delivery and I was supposed to receive my regular pan pizza in half an hour. I waited for a while and there he was, my hand delivered dinner....
It was really very sweet of him to do this, I really can't imagine he would give me a big surprise!
Really touched by the little things he have done for me.

I am thankful for everything. :>

December schedule:
- 26 nov to 2 dec india trip
- 16 to 19 dec bkk trip


Thursday, November 12, 2009

a new life?

I am being grateful now everyday I am counting my blessing. To have a bunch of great colleagues, a loving bf and friends who are always there for me. It is a life I craved for, a new lease of life. Sometimes, I feel that life have its surprises for us. Being an easily contented person, I am glad I am one of this species. I crave for relationships - be it with family, with my beloved nanny, with my friends, with him and with people who had come across my life.

I tried to make it point that life is really amazing that I get to meet all of them.
Somehow when someone asked me what are the things I enjoy doing the most?

Well, very tricky qn?

1. erm, well enjoy meeting up with friends, ;love the time when I was stirring my cuppa of coffee and outside was raining
2. KTV - singing as a passion? though I am not really a born singer
3. Drama and watching DVD
4. Shopping as my retail therapy :>

Bon appetite

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

a new beginning to learn n to love

I am finally on my mood for blogging. I had disappeared for the longest time I ever blogged since 1st nov with a lame lamentation. Well, today is my true feeling about how things had been going for me.

Family was great except the occassional issues to settle for my father. I feel family exist for a reason, being there for you and providing youe shelter. I still love them very much but we seldom really express it.

Love had been great! I wonder since when is the last time I ever mentioned relationship is really good. Me and him learnt a lesson, to cherish each other, to love one another and minus my paranoid, minus his MCP. I realise part of me wanted to be with him, part of me still wanted to enjoy the life of being carefree.....contradicting. Marriage to me is not really a "definitely yes" because I couldn't see myself having a family and handling children. I guess probably two years back I would want to marry him so much but now.... I rather love myself more a little bit more.

Friends.... not sure where went wrong but hopefully everything will become clearer.

Well, colleagues had been terrific and recently we relly grew closer.

okie, thank god for everything.


Sunday, November 01, 2009

life passing by with every second

it had been sometimes since I last blogged. Well, I am basking in happiness for one month plus now. Been busy with work and hopefully to go on a retreat, still in a midst of planning.

Dearie have been very nice to me. I guess God is really great. If god never let us meet at jp, i guess we wouldn't ended up together. Had a very fun mid-autumn festival with him n family. The first time i ever played fired sparkler, the first time playing the playground. I had been slacking since my last event(last week). This weekend I had been sleeping.... n sleeping
Anyway, Life had been great. I am contented.

Friends, finally meet up with my gal pals lp and wei. Had a good time clearing our "toxic chats"
and catching up.
