Monday, April 30, 2007

Finally i am able to breathe a little . i made a mistake wronlgy in anticpating Dc questions that cost a whopping 20% . All i hope was a pass then . it was a big misinterpretation of the question . i guess i am just sleep deprived , tiredness .

So glad that vu accompany me to town though i din get anything for myself but he got his decorations . I kind of feel have we drift apart? Maybe it is a yes or no . Nevertheless these are the sincerel friendship with my friends . Those like Zr , kenny , vu are my good friends in school . a pity may be there is no good gal friend which can share shopping tips with me . Maybe it is joan heng . haha . I meet dearie for dinner in town , hopping to get a new work shirt from takashimaya but still we tried afew but to no avail , sometime it is the slevee too short or either the shirt too wide . The most hilarious part will be trying out those big size shirts at mark and spencer . In the end , we finally go to my favorite Zara and yes he got a exact fit . I feel so glad for him and the shop assistant was so friendly and considerate. He made me feel that "personal touch " of a service contributor to this industry . I realised that yoshinoya was a bad choice for dinner . I am feeling positive , i feel i should work hard for my account again in my attempt to overcome this phobia for account . I feel so glad , when i get a D for my acc test 2 . This is just a stepping stone to another embarkment . gambatte ~ nevertheless , i really wanted to watch shrek 3 . vu is leaving on may 15 , so i presumed that I probably asked him to accomapny me again heeee ..


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

exam time ... my face are falling off

I had been through these for the thousands time in my life , yup exAM stress . yesterday i had my first sleeping pill , it did help a little cos i sleep better somehow . But i still get mental block . whenever i passed by a mirror , i think it will crack because i got panda eyes , freckles and the uneven tone .... like been bruise badly . i hate it !

Intend to go get a rest-eye mask / and night cream , badly in need . Time to start saving !!Recently i had been crazy , when i can't sleep at night , i stayed up late to sew coin purse ... haha . it kind of devote some time to concentrate doing thing
i realise my own careless mistake that is I am always so careless , that i forgot this and that . i must never miss out details again ...

gambatte for the test , ok to all friend , i am doing my disappearing act once again . today i had my dose of coffee again and follow by intensive last min read through and proceed to the exam . it kidn of malfunction that i am so blur . why ? i thought exam start at 10.15pm so i arrived appro 10am and then the examiner announced paper reading time begin . So blur when i haven really settled down myself . i realised alot of people are wearinf pink . so many girl in pink .


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Matter of affair?

Finally exams are coming really soon that I almost can't breathe . Prehape i will be disappearing from my social circle for a period of time . I actually been staying at home . It seem like the most calm and peaceful entity i get . How i longed for a outing to the beach ?

Stress can be a killer and a boaster . How i wish i could go auntie house and eat home-cooked food for once . I miss alot of people. My buddy finally tasted her sweetness after a healing period of approx two years with her regained confidence , i wish her happiness this J can bring her . happy 22nd birthday to peiwei , hope u stay healthly , pretty , and get attached faster haha . Am i happier ? well , maybe a "yes" .

When someone unintentionally say a word "D" , it kind of awaked me from my dreamland . The past which i selectively chose to forget re-surface . It hasn't been easy for me to get over . There is remorse and regret about it and I choose to forget. Is confidence lacking in myself , inferiority ? It is not i had any emotional attachment but still it is so scarred validly there . I couldn't imagine two years had already passed . If possible , i wish it could be erased forever . I feel i had been avoiding , keeping quiet , trying to devour my time fully to doing things. Maybe it is just a flaw ...



Thursday, April 05, 2007


ferri wheel in daytime , per pax is $29 ... keen >?

I was worry about the " family treasures" in my home and his . not long ago , My healthy grandma fall sick and was hospitalised . I become so worried about then good new was , she was on her way to recovering . Last night acc ah dear to go to his grandparent house and realise his grandad was falling sick due to a terrible cough and it is kind of disheartening to see him suffering . I really hope ah gong and popo will recover soon enough because I wanan to take them out to sentosa but I am just unsure of a suitable time .

I realised after getting together with leonard , i am learning to care . I used to be so selfish that I cant be bother with my family . Moreover , lp and peiwei also teach me to be more family conscious . These girl buddies of mine always light up my days , it can be so comfortable to go out with them w/out worrying about your image and etc ... it is just so natural . And the far away cat kind of worried me . I dunno how to explain , i just hope god be kind to her and bring her someone good and reliable and will let her bully for life . haha .

When dearie ask me , we had hope getting our own place . it is kind of keep me in awe . i dunno whether i should be happy or unhappy . Someday , i realised that nothing is eternal . Love can be so touching , love can be so tragic . I still loves him very much , i wanan him to be happy .

To lp : hey , give other a chance , dun be dwelling in the pasts as u know new love will make u create new memories . I am really anticpating to see the guy who touched her .

gambatte .


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Love ?

I had a particular normal day , I rushed through a plate of lemon chicken rice , not nice though sim

Then , I went home and start devouring my time to reading the novel (amy cheung)
the story was kind of heart-wrenching , it pained my heart whenever i don't understand what do women look in a bad guy ?

"why do women perserve her love commitment and in the end she ended up with a man who is not commited ?"

In this story there is 3 characters who had differ instinct toward love .

C : She was very stubborn and persistence in love , too headstrong that she din realise that she end up falling into a bottamless pit.

G : the blissful type who had simple believe love is a dream and happiness is eternal

D : She keep trying to seek for commitment in men but many failed her

which one will u be ?

I pray to God that hope my grandma will get well soon ! God bless her .I love my grandma for as long as i am alive . I feel she is like the pillar of my family .

i really should take up sport again ! help !
