Tuesday, April 28, 2009

sunday outing with babes

Another sunday when I thought things changed but somehow life become more fulfilling.
Imagine the someone who used to care about you suddenly just can't be bother with you anymore. What do you think? A change of heart for someone else, how come people just changed like this. Many things are unexplainable but the way this person deal with r/ship somehow is immature, irresponsible and escapist.

Time to move on. My activties packed weekend come along. Watching 17 again make me feel

love can be forever if you meet the right person at the right time. As Adrian said, the two type of r/ship did existed. One was what he and I believe in forever, loving the person and caring for him or her a lifetime. The second one come with selfishness, it all started out with endorphin and once excitment ended, everything end. Sound true though. I had been hurt badly but I will walked out of this shadow sooner if I meet the right one. I believe I should open my heart once again to welcome someone in my life. If the person care ,as lp said he will chase me with intensity, He just don't know how to love someone. Why din have the guts to openly admit u had fallen for someone, why din have the gut to face the truth. I find him pathetic, the lifestyle of hermit which no matter what r/ship he is in, the ending will be the same. Surprising D... took me out on sat and went for a high tea when I shared with her this. She tell me to count my blessing because ...... even if we marry he will just escape, that is love but on a contractual basis. Find someone who love you forever with his heart and soul.
I realised there is this person and Now then i realise. A let me believe there is forever love but fate ended.

jia you reis.:>

Saturday, April 18, 2009

time to move on !!! yeap!

My heart was declare dead on 17 April 2009.

Time to move on . It is just He doesn't cherish me anymore.
The one word he give me " live life for yourself" what a selfish man.

Today I am mourning for a relationship. It is really time to move on. For the first time after those sleepless night since 2nd April, I had a solid 8 hours rest. 3 years of the relationships,
I feel I am suffocated by his selfishness. I always thought that giving in to the person you love always is important but however giving too much and him "taking" is wrong. The 3 years
had been alot of Ups and Downs. I just find that the way he handle the relationship was wrong.
Can you imagine a person who break up with you or left you hanging on to the relationship refuse to face a problem together? Telling me so many time , "I don't know "if we should had continued, I really don't know............I just don't know. What CRAP!
Being an indecisive escapist is wrong and I can't be with someone who is like this. Can you imagine if we are going to get marry and he just run away. That is really scary. Thanks God for
letting me realising that it is all a facade. Well, time to move on and continue.

For the first time in my life, I need to move on . who's know I will meet "The one and Only".

Because he is the only one, i believe i will find the only one . Cheers!


Thursday, April 16, 2009



我曾經這樣跟自己說:當你失戀的時候,地球上至少有千千百百的人跟你一樣,也在失戀。當你重又變成孤單一個人,在寂寞的長夜裡苦苦思念著那個不再愛你的人,這個世界上也有許多人像你,在同一個夜裡,流著淚,被思念折磨。人為什麼會失戀?當一個胚胎在母親的身體裡夭折,沒有機會出生,是因為那個胚胎不夠完美,也不夠強壯。大自然一再證明達爾文的《進化論》,物競天擇,適者生存。我們也是大自然的一部分。你失戀,不是因為你不好,不是因為你長得不可愛,人不夠聰明,也不是你做錯了什麼。我們見過很多伴侶,互相撕咬,既愛且恨,也還是地久天長。這段愛情早夭,是因為它不完美,沒法茁壯,它只能夠離開你的人生。這是天擇的結果。一天,當你回首,你會發現,所有你愛過卻沒能長相廝守的男孩和女孩,所有曾經甜蜜,後來卻流產的愛情,對你來說都是不完美的。直到一天,當你遇到一個人,不管你有再多的缺點,他還是愛你,無論他有多麼可恨,你終究愛著他。縱使你們都曾被對方傷得傷痕累累,也還是沒能分開。你終於明白,你們是彼此的宿主。愛競天擇 ,適者生存。早夭的,只是證明,他不是你的天長地久。那麼,可不可以流一把眼淚,醉了一雙淚眼,跟自己說:是大自然替你做了這個必然的抉擇。他其實不適合你,只是你現在還不明白,也不願意承認。

A friend in need is a fren indeed

Was really in my lowest spirit recently when I got alot of enouragements, advice from ppl I met. I was deeply grateful for their really kind and sweet gesture. Maybe what they told me is really

already happened. When the heart is no longer there, it is just not meant to be. Maybe we din tried hard enough to be together and things lead to today ending. Alot of "grey"area and i feel we can't run away from reality. I need to brace up and look at thing differently. There is alot of things waiting for me to do and alot of ppl waiting for me to recover.

I am very touched by all my friends' concerns for me , packing me with things so my mind can

be occupied. There is even hazel who told me to face it myself. Only I can settled this thing to move on. Just come back from a wonderful dinner and catching up with my friend.

He just brighten my way with a sunflower. I love sunflower!!! I love white roses too! The meaning of sunflower is "sunshine in my life" and he hope I will smile more too.

It was really a kind of surprise encouragement for me. He just hope I will be happier:>
Thank you JM.

Jia you !!! i believe after this sunday , the truth will be revealed and my dark cloud will disappeared. I already don't harbour any hope but to face reality.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

the gain the loss

I was wondering why do life had to become like this?

is it a change of heart ? that the person you love no longer love you as much as he do?

For a while, i started to doubt myself why and din get the answer I get.
Loving someone is painful , loving someone who can;t love you anymore. All this person do is
he just don't care about you and he put you in a 'tormenting' time. What I losted is a guy who never loved me , what he losted is someone who loved him so much.

After being cooled down for these few days, I need to sort out my thoughts.
I am grateful that friends are really concerned about me, can;t imagine he will
give me a call from oversea just to console me . My heart stopped beating .


Saturday, April 04, 2009

Jia Qi and Sato

I finally understood the ending part of because I always felt that JiaQi will be with Cheng Feng. In the end, she chose Sato.

It was a really good ending and If I were her, I will chose Sato. Cheng feng was always in her heart but somehow he always "abandon" her. He was therefore so selfish always to think of himself and when he really need her then he come n find her. Sato's unconditional love kind of "touched" me and i think Jiaqi is right after all.
I had finally tried Old town white coffee and My conclusion was the coffee was not so fantastic as I thought. The aroma of the coffee is slight, i would rate it a 3/5.


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I don't know

It is tiring for me for the past few days.

Having the worst arguement with my mum and suddenly I feel so defenceless. It made me
realise there is no one i can rely on except myself. I felt that no one seem to understand me
except my friends. My mum don't understand from my point of view, she is always the one
making me unhappy but I just feel that she seem too self-centred.

I felt so dejected after the arguement with mum , I seem to have all the negative vices and nothing really positive being a person , being my mum;s children. She always find faults with me and "slap" me with insulting words. Those slaps mean nothing but the more it come on your face the more I felt so numb.

I really don't feel like coming to this place called home. Sad to say there is no place I can run away. Everyday, I had been tolerating and unable to release my sadness but of the person I need most seem to avoid this topic.

Infact, I question and start to doubt a chinese saying, a person who can enjoy the harvest with you but unable to survive the pain with u. Sad to say, I already know the answer and find no meaning in being together with someone who is not there whenever I need him.

I just feel all these should end because one day I know who held my hand. I am the one holding
those hands , i am one facing my destiny.
