Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Life ?

"No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. "

adapted ,... steve job ...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007




wishing ... what is valentine ?

someone qn my thoughts " dun u think valentine is all commericial? ".

I always held the belief that valentine is the day where lover unite , where u see the display of affections we seldom see . Individual cant wait to get home , wanting to stay away from the fateful day . I got calls for invitations for dates but i rejected them all simply i dun want give ppl false hopes and there is no meaning in celebrating with ppl u dun wish to belong to Him. Last year to me is the worst , a day without lovers but with friends (my frens are good) because on the street ,i see myself alone on the mrt station of commonwealth , wondering on the platform for 1 and 1/2 hour. am i lingering tots , with a big eye infections ? and my fav fren was not feeling well , she vomited . We worried so much .

" it is not the flowers that matters or how lavish the gifts is but the loneliness of being alone "

it is silly of me to quote but the point in celebrating is no longer in the mood . whatever valentine . be my own valentine . I feel like a child wanting something and is not given . it is not so showing off to people , just it is our very first valentine . will u be my valentine for just one day and forever .

I supposed i will be staying at home because i already lose it meaning . call me unreasonable , call me a bitch ? who cares anyway . I am a person who need love , a gal who need to be adored , i am just the type of gal . ' Let harbour this romantic thoughts that who dun need a hug anyway . This is a lame topic . did i bor u ?

Be my own Valentine

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Lion Roar louder than its neignbour !! 2 vs 1

I just went to the national stadium to watch a great soccar match . singapore vs msia .

did our lion roar louder ... ?

yup , we won by close margin and by luck , it was as if a national spirit to wear red .
I scream for the million times , this is really fun
He sit beside me anxiously looking at the match
our heart sank when the "yellow ants" score one kelong goal , cos the goalkeeper actually push it in
but half time , unaware , we finally score a goal.

our penalty kick score us the match . thank god . a close shave. He was beside me , and when we won , he hugged me . i almost jumped .

We had our bland bland supper at a stupid place called "dong hai" , lousy food , lousy service .

it was a fun day :>


Friday, January 26, 2007


I wonder how many relationships do I have to encounter to put an end to my love career ?

It is not a job , love to me is meaningful .

happy 10th month anniversary Dearie Leo

I had been rationalising how we meet , we chatted on WLNY .

life is simply so unpredictable

we were remismicing about past

if he never met me , he is probably with this gal G

by a stroke of luck , by fate he met me later than her

initially it was a normal conversation

and things started to mentioned about her to me

somehow , i knew i was going to fall for him

my jealousy soared for her G

she was pretty , tall , nice i supposed

He like her , he fetch her from work, he had dine dinning with her

and am i just a second choice then ?

i din know , i was hopping ... valentine day i was your first choice

it turn out they din went out on v day ?]

it turn out i rejected his invitation, and i rejected a few ppl.....

the 2nd options ......? did i win by sheer luck ? or by courage?

i realised it was love then , it was love now .

our conversation " do you love me "

I replied " I know if u left me one day , i will regret cos i loved u so much . "

my tears almost dropped today .

my dear is trying so hard to please me

i know silently that he love me too

I wouldn't know what i am to do if i loses him

I dun want to....

am i your angel

he said i was his Angel

to me he is my angel too

one year ago when i was like a defeated person , he lift me up

he sit beside me and listen to my lamentations

all it took me courage to realise

i can love him too , i can if i try ...

LEONARD , i love you too.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Another day

Tried to wake up at 7am today but my body feel so weak . I intend to wake dearie up cos today is his first day at work . Time really do flies , I never imagine I be here 2007 again . I feel glad I am still alive , people are around me , I am able to do thing like a normal person .

How shall i say ? Prehape been watching too much of one litre of tear that had touched me once over again. No school today but alot of things to settle . Went town to meet felicia and ted , seriously find myself got nothing in common with ted . I don't detest him or anything , i just find myself carrying a talk continously . Well , Felicia looks okie and her new job seem busy and very diversify. I knew a year later I will be doing what she is doing now . I can't imagine rejoining workforce . Hmm , so I shall enjoy the last precious year of uni life and there i will be dump into the big sea waiting for ppl to rescue me . Supposely , I had mac for lunch with them , some chit-chats and i feel there is nothing I could do to help this person . I saw a reflections but nothing seem to work out . I believe time do reveal everything . Hope she be happy . Did i make myself happy today ? I actually derive contentment in getting earl grey and bread for dearie . Am I going madly in love . I guess so .

Okie , what about studies ? there is the usual loads of projects , homework , practises. I wanan to work hard too . Is my progres very slow? Thank lp for the disc though I actually forgot to take home today . So blur ... and now I am even slower . I wanan to learn to be like my friend who take thing at their pace. I feel whenever semester start i feel so panic about things undone.

As for dearie , he is probably tired from a day work , i guess that partner must had tortured him . I seriously miss our lifestyle . I know nothing will ever change from then . But let's be positive about it , I can do my own stuffs whilst he is working . hmm , topic from home ,mum is thinking of changing to a four-room flat which i do agreed . Actually , she can then go for early retirement if the housing loan is settled . Feel gulity that my mum's eyesight are falling and I actually din realised that . Catherine is coming Sg on 31jan , i hope to c her soon . i miss her . ok looking forward to meet lp , wei for ktv , sat for football session . gambatte !!!!

The signifiance of valentine day , i think i shall go n sell flowers . haha .

reis loves leonard

Sunday, January 21, 2007


God made sunday a rest day for everyone but I still see people working ? Somehow , it is not a choice . I wonder how many of us ever need to make decisions with constraints . Decisions that involved people , choices to miss some friends' gathering? I am beginning to miss someone , some friends.

Well , today I woke up later than usual (ten?) and He had already went for his morning soccar . I envy him , I envy his enthusiaism toward football . I wanted to run, to jog , to sweat out ? I miss my gym buddy . Miss tan . I miss everything to be in control of life . I feel so restless as if I lost something .

Okie , there we had our lunch at plaza and He accompany me to go library research . I had borrowed so many books -- including the one I had been waiting " Stories We could tell by Tony Parson ." His parents are very nice , got us porridge and dumpling for dinner from Chinatown. Hmm... We had our nice little walk at the park with Tiffy and it was so comfortable to be able to relax .

Well , i finally got my own pc , after my dying little blackie (laptop) but the new pc doesnt have any software which is useful to me . i need office sofeware ......any helps ?

I think He is very nice to me . I am glad we are still together /


Monday, January 15, 2007

learning to crawl all over again

school hasn't been a great start . To be exact , it is a phrase of learning to know new people and getting used to incesstant of projects , tutorial. I just attend another recap of Mab lesson and I felt that the lecturer is better in the sense she make it a point to explain steps by steps .

When is the time a sense of loneliness just keep haunting me ?

it is like a fresh start , as if everything had been brainwashed from myself , the people and memories are changing . Alright a good new to start was my pc is coming on thursday and I will be able to surf net and blog as and when . Finally and I will be able to start my assignements . how many are there ?

gambatte reis .

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New start = new hope

The morning was nonetheless the type of sunlight shoning on my face . I just wish to wake up early on the new year 07 with a good start . School is starting soon again , I wanted to work harder . I know my MAB appeal wasn't approve but I tell myself not to lose faith ever. I miss my friend gathering . Just another fresh start . can i turn over a new leaf . Setting up a new year resolution ?

- to control my tempers , to tame my 'attitude' problem
- to work even harder
- to be more honest again
- to be more at peace with myself , my inner demon always made me a devil in front of people
- to be more friendier and understanding
- to cherish my loved ones - family , Him , friends

God , I just love the new yeAR WITH a new belief

regard ,